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大會邀請以下稿件Call for Paper




跨領域教育 (Interdisciplinary Education)

跨領域教育(Interdisciplinary Education)

AI人工智慧與教育(Artificial Intelligence and Education)

資料科學和校務研究(Data Science and IR)

K-12 STEAM教育(K-12 STEAM Education)

教育與學習科技(Education and Learning Technology)

創新與課程教學(Innovation in Curriculum and Instruction)

教育與學習科技 (Education and Learning Technology)

教育行政與政策(Educational Administration and Policy

教育理論相關議題(Issues of Educational Theories

新世代的學習議題(New Era in Learning)

實驗教育(Experimental Education)

幼兒發展與教育領域(Early Childhood Development and Education)

幼兒教育課程與教學(Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood)

幼兒發展(Child Development )

幼教政策與行政(Policy and Administration in Early Childhood)

幼教師資培育與專業成長(Early Childhood Teacher Education and Development)

學前融合教育(Early Childhood Inclusive Education)

幼兒多元藝術與美感教育 (Multi-Arts and Aesthetic Education in Early Childhood)

特殊教育領域 (Special Education)

特教趨勢與潮流等議題(Trends and Issues in Special Education)

特殊教育科技輔具的發展與應用(Development and Application of Special Educational Assistive Technology)

數位教材與特殊需求學生(Digital Teaching Materials and Students with Special Needs)

特殊教育教師跨領域學習的挑戰(Challenges of Interdisciplinary Learning for Special Education Teachers)

特殊教育素養導向的課程及教學(Competence-Oriented Curriculum and Teaching for Special Education)

大數據時代的人力資源管理與發展 (Human Resource Management and Development in the Big Data Era)

人力資源管理與發展(Human Resource Management and Development)

正向組織行為(Positive Organizational Behavior)

品牌與創新管理(Brand and Innovation Management)

諮商心理與教學創新(Counseling Psychology and Teaching Innovation)

職場心理健康(Mental Health in Workplace)

諮商心理專業發展與教學創新(Professional Development of Psychology Counseling and Teaching Innovation)


(Sports technology, Health and Leisure)

運動科技、健康與休閒議題(Sports technology, Health and Leisure)

永續發展教育與社會實踐 (Education for Sustainable Development and Social Practice)

學校及社會環境教育(School and Social Environmental Education)

永續發展(Sustainable Development)

氣候變遷(Climate Chage)

災害防救(Disaster Prevention and Protection)

自然保育 (Nature Conservation)

公害防治(Hazard Prevention and Control)

環境及資源管理 (Environment and Resource Management)

文化保存 (Culture Preservation)

社區參與 (Community Participation)

食農教育(Food and Farming Education)

原住民族教育(Indigenous Education)

語言與教學 (Language and Instruction)

英語授課(English as a Medium of Instruction)

英語為國際語言(English as an International Language)

英語為國際通用語言(English as a Lingua Franca)

教育語言學(Educational Linguistics)

語言研究(Linguistic Studies)

語言教學的創新 (Innovation in Language Instruction)

語文教育的現況與發展(Trends and Developments in Language Education)

AI與語言的教與學 (Teaching and Learning for AI and Language)

國際與本土視角下的雙語教育(Bilingual Education from International and Local Perspectives)

數學教育及科學教育 (Math and Science Education)

創新教學(Innovative Teaching)

數學與科學素養的教與學(Teaching and Learning of Math and Science Literacy)

其他與大會主題有關之研究議題 (Other research topics related to the theme of the conference)

其他與大會主題有關之研究議題 (Other research topics related to the theme of the conference)


2023-09-08 17:42:49